Today, for the second time, I'll be participating in "What Am I Reading?" Mondays, which is a weekly meme hosted by One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.
Today, I am reading The Little Country
This lovely, imaginative little book is glorious to hold (de Lint's books tend to be published on soft, sumptuous paper, that smells exactly the way a new book should's a tactile experience that's hard to find). More importantly, the story is intoxicating. It involves a magical book, whose story changes for every reader--but this book is kept hidden, because it unleashes power into the world that is felt by greedy, power hungry villains who seek to bend the world to their own twisted ideas. The girl who opens the book this time, unleashing it's subtext of power, find her life ruined as these powerful people try to steal it's secrets.
De Lint is one of my favorite authors, first for his Samuel M. Key books--horror novels published under a different name because they were so gory, the publisher didn't want to alienate his original audience. Amazing books. This one looks to be no different.
Intoxicating - what a great word to describe a book. Have a super week of wonderful reads!