Sunday, May 16, 2010

Heartless complaining. I know. Bring on the pitch forks and angry mob.

I understand the need to worship freely in church, I really do. I don't want to squash anyone's desire to commune with the Lord, or their ability to do it. Really, I think a sincere expression of faith is a beautiful thing.

But when you're super showy or super's distracting.

Yes, I said it. Distracting. I'm not saying that everyone should be still and silent in church, not at all! Express, be genuine, whatever!

But when someone screams "amen" at least thrice during a sermon, week after week, every time anyone (normal preacher or guest preacher, or probably even a janitor) stands at the pulpit, I don't believe you anymore. Getting progressively louder doesn't demonstrate that your faith is greater than everyone else's, it shows you care more about getting noticed than genuinely connecting to what is going on. If you want to dance like you're having a seizure, if that's how you show your faith, don't sit in the front row where everyone can see you and is worried about your medical state and unable to have any kind of encounter with God themselves. Waving your arms through every song doesn't show how much you love God, it may show how much attention you're trying to garner. (Raising one's hands during worship, like everything else I'm complaining about, is not inherently bad--but overuse appears insincere. I've been moved to tears by the lyrics of a song in church before, but if I cried during every chorus, I'd be worried about my mental state and not so concerned with what God is doing to my heart.)

SERIOUSLY. Stop being selfish. Church is a community. Don't cause your brother to stumble, you know? Be genuine, but have some courtesy that there are other people around you. You screaming "amen" in their ear is probably going to keep them (and you) from hearing the next line of scripture or explanation from the preacher. You're likely missing the punch line of whatever you're "amen"-ing.

Be enthusiastic. Be sincere. Express to the Lord your heart. You don't have to prove the greatness of your faith to me or anyone else in the room by performing. A genuine faith is what will move mountains.  Faking it is just another reason why so many people are turned off by the current flavor of Christianity.

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