Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday in? Yes, please!

The highlight of the week: it's friday night, I'm home, wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt, doing laundry. And happy about it.

Laundry makes me happy. The clothes are warm and fluffy, so I pull them straight out of the dryer and fold them up or hang them right away. I like the cozy feeling of it. And it's such a simple, predictable task. I know how long it takes to run a load of laundry, in fact my body is practically preset to hear the *buzz* of the dryer just seconds before it goes off. There's something wonderful about a task where progress is so easily measured, particularly in a world where we like things to be new, exciting, and (damnit) unpredictable. Well, not this girl. Give me warm, cozy expectations almost any night.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

WoTO Giveaway, sponsored by Maybe Tomorrow?

Beth, the author of Maybe Tomorrow?, is hosting a giveaway on her blog for Kelly Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld. Go check it out, there are lots of possible prizes and I've heard great things about the series!
